A revisit to past transitions

Sep 30, 2021

A year and a month past closing Studio27 (my large brick and mortar) through Covid in 2020, and while in Mercury is in Retrograde :) now in 2021, I'd love to take a moment to look back and repost a memory...


Letting go of my large brick and mortar.... (now I practice out of my deeply loved sanctuary space!- pictured above!)


2020: I was fearful I would have a moment of strong regret after I spoke with my (amazing) landlord. We decided we would find someone else to take over my lease. 

When I moved into my Studio27 space, it had been vacant for a little while. It felt like a really long tunnel with no light. I remember saying to my realtor on our third visit there, “No way... this place is stagnant and creepy.” I wouldn’t even walk into the center room bathroom, it was so taken over by cobwebs. I made my husband clean them up. 
That space spoke to me, over and over. I kept saying no, but thinking about it through the night. There was something a little magical about all the rooms, the possibility to create different energies in each, being on the ground floor in a quiet back corner... a destination spot. 
Once I said yes, the space grew moment by moment into my own being... I knew it was the space I was meant to join with. It became such a part of my blood that I couldn’t tell who was Studio27 and who was me...
I spoke to the space... it always spoke back. It grew a life of its own that it was actually pulling me into. Once I realized, I had no idea how to untangle our limbs from each other. 
As Covid not so delicately interrupted our worlds, we began a different relationship... I would go in to teach virtually, and it told me to lighten up, to have some fun, to rest. 
We said sweet little hellos and I learned to move again for myself in this same space I’ve taught so many others to move in. I cried, mostly thankful tears, some unknowing tears, some feeling grateful to feel myself as a separate entity again. 
As I went back again and again, the energy of the space changed... and changed... and changed, until it felt like all the energies around me were trying to tell me to release my own energy from the space as well... that I am due to evolve... there’s more to see. 
My decision to close this space was built from so many pieces weaving together... Covid, paying overhead for half a year while not teaching in person in it, my own heart and soul and dreams that still need to play out... the list goes on and on. Above all, I am so grateful for it. It taught me more than anything in life ever could. I grew more than I ever knew I could as a person in that space. I am not the same girl who opened those doors. 
As I stood in the threshold of the front entrance, staring down the long, dark tunnel one last time, I couldn’t stop telling this space how much I loved it. I couldn’t just walk out. And just as quickly as this energetic space intertwined with my own space of me, it pushed me out. Not a mean, cold push, but a thick, kind, wash of energy literally pushing me out the door. “It’s time to go now. Your time meant for you here is done.” I heard it clear as day. The last tear I’ve cried over the space rolled down my cheek and I laughed. “Thank you.”
I stepped backwards out the door, locked the door for the last time, and left my key in the lock box. 
There is somewhere else I’m due now. A new space to talk with and learn from. The entrance to this space is within my own heart, this space stays within me. The next physical space I partner with will be my sanctuary space. A space I’ve wished for quietly for a long while now. We will still speak with each other, but the lessons in this one will lead me deeper into me, into a place where I am able to create and share on a different plane, and in a different way....
And I never did have that feeling of strong regret. Only a sense of deep peace and steadfast knowing that I have followed my deepest intuition. 
UPDATE 2021:
I opened my stunning little sanctuary space in late 2020 and have never felt more true to myself, my soul, my calling and my guidance I provide others.
This new space has opened my life to great freedom, deeper love for myself and others, and a truer existence and ability to weave body magic! My favorite!!
This new sanctuary space has been a cushion below me to support my deepest desires. 
When we listen, life unfolds in the most beautiful ways.


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