Your time & energy

Jan 13, 2022

As our new year begins, take additional quiet time to nurture and care for You. There can be so much excitement as well as swirling energy at the start of a new year… 


I’ve felt so strongly in going deeper into balancing my own life with more intent through 2021. In my dancing days and beyond, I felt balance was working until I burned out, then resting hard for a while. Often I would end up with a cold. I was so wired to do this, having to be all in during a dance contract. I realized I trained my system to be on overdrive, then crash.


Years have passed and slowly I have found an idea of balance that truly works for me. I now create balance Every. Single. Day. 


I space out Sessions to make sure I am able to reset in between, I only allow a certain number of Sessions per day, so I have energy and space for myself and my loved ones after teaching. I close teaching at a certain time each day and schedule in when I answer emails, calls, etc.


I also refuse to pile on additional Sessions or over schedule myself. That truly only leads to burnout.


I honor this idea of balance outside of work as well. I have set scheduled days/times that I visit with friends. Seriously! I know my energy works well according to what I have scheduled in earlier that day. And while each week changes a little, this is my base.


While it may sound like I am a scheduler at heart, I am definitely not. 


I have found that listening to my own rhythms creates huge space in my life for TIME and ENERGY, two of my favorite things to own. :)


As you are running errands, or kids and all of life, is there anything you can do to save time and energy?


~Are there certain days you can assign certain errands each week, to start your own rhythm? (Believe me, you will need to tweak it until you feel good with it.)


~Can you carpool to alternate relieving another mom, too?


~Can you order groceries online?


~Can you hire a neighborhood kid to come over and for a small amount clean, do dishes, laundry… or maybe they drive and can run some errands for you?


~Can you drop your laundry at a laundry service? (It’s less expensive than you think.:))


As you look at the start of your new year, what are you able to schedule differently to allow yourself time and energy, the most valuable gifts?


What can you switch around to allow more peace and love to both yourself and your most loved ones? Every switch you make will cause a ripple effect… I promise.


What can you do to step off a hamster wheel and start opening time, which gives you more time to think and ponder ways to open more time and energy? That’s absolutely the kind of hamster wheel I love stepping on!







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