You don't have to have pain in your body

wellness Sep 30, 2021

A couple different women asked me this week why I started teaching the way I do, so I wanted to share with you, too...


I used to believe I would experience more and more pain as I aged...


You may already know I was a professional jazz and ballet dancer through my teens, 20s and into my thirties. I loved it so much!


I had had so many varied injuries through dance (and a few car accidents), but it was my neck injuries and pain that brought me to this terrible thought that pain will stay forever and continue to worsen.


I dived into countless healing modalities and trainings, with no release of pain for more than a couple days.


I had times of feeling helpless, hopeless and angry about it. I literally felt I couldn't do anything without this deep, stuck pain.


I was disheartened and determined.


I knew there was a way to know the body in a friendlier way, to speak to it, so life could evolve into something so much better.


This neck pain effected every moment, every day.


I had such a high tolerance of pain from my professional dance career, but this had to change...


As I searched deeper within myself, I felt guided towards more contemporary learnings and mentors, I began to piece the varied teachings together in layers that made the most sense to me possible.


Then I worked with and watched as many bodies Move as possible, realizing how DIFFERENT we all were...


We are pieces of our own puzzle.


The more I watch bodies, the more I learn, the more fascinated I am by root causes and deeper existence of ourselves, and the more I crave giving more knowledge to your own worlds.


Finding the quickest, easiest way to teach you how to bring your own body to a place of peace and balance within yourself is what I hold space for.


The body is so complex and complicated.


It has always been my belief that the best teachers can make what they teach feel like common sense to their student. The things we feel in our bodies can change when we understand how to address past patterns and how to Move into new ones.


So back to pain in the body...


Along the way, I have realized we as a whole believe we are supposed to experience pain as we age, because we do not understand how to Move out of it.


We think it cannot be done.


I believe very, very differently...


You do NOT have to have pain in your body.


You CAN grow stronger starting right now.


You CAN bring yourself into how you felt in your body before you...


Delivered a baby...


Had that surgery...


Got injured...


Started working that desk job...


Had that traumatic experience that shifted your internal life...


I have guided women of ALL ages and experiences reset their entire bodies and pelvic floors through my specialized Movement work. It has deepened my own belief system that we do not need to grow into pain.


My Semi-Private Virtual Sessions are a tool to help women of ALL ages and experiences reset your entire body and pelvic floor through easy to understand, specialized Movement work.


These Sessions are something you can pop in and out of to play with/work on things in your body you feel and think about.


Each Session is geared towards whoever attends.


I will start by asking you about YOUR personal body.


We will create class based off YOUR personal body needs and desires!!


You CAN rebalance and reset your body to feel like you used to...








Again, these Sessions contain women of ALL ages and women experiencing ALL stages of life.


These Semi-Private Sessions are geared towards bringing you a feeling of a Private Session without the Private Session rate.


I believe...


What you are experiencing can shift for the better.


I believe...


We do NOT need to feel like the only direction our bodies are going is down.


I believe...


SO MUCH can change if we just step into the right Movement work for us.


Bring yourself back to you.


I believe we can bring our bodies and selves back to how they felt before we believed we couldn't.


See for yourself what Moving differently can bring back to your body, soul and life. 

We want you to Move Beautifully!

Sign up for our newsletter today and receive a GIFTED full-length class to try at home! 


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